About Us

Centurion Systems Limited (CSL) has a strong track record of over 35 years in upgrading and transforming industrial applications and machinery within the East African region. During this time, CSL has established itself as a key partner of the manufacturing industry in Kenya and beyond, as well as the leading private technical training institution in the region. CSL has strategic partnerships with all major international industrial technology providers, including those from Europe and the US, as well as from Japan and other industry-leading countries.

The CSL management is firmly committed to the country and its young generation, particularily by providing access to high-quality training and employment opportunities. CSL has been instrumental in developing industry standards and curricula for public and private training institutions. Furthermore CSL has actively participated in the  establishment of platforms for a public-private sector dialogue.

Core Values

  • Technological Leadership:
    We have the courage to shape a better future
  • Collaboration:
    We leverage collective genius
  • Commitment:
    What we do, we do well
  • Passion:
    We perform our tasks with heart and mind
  • Responsibility:
    We are grateful and happy to give back to society

Corporate Social Responsibility

Creation of adequate employment opportunity, improvement of livelihood and poverty alleviation remain one of the greatest challenges in Kenya, with the young bearing a large burden of this. To counter these challenges, a number of policy interventions have been formulated and implemented on various levels to address the growing employment problem in Kenya. The government, development partners and the private sector have undertaken to engage in job creation, regulate wages, operate employment exchange programmes, improve labor market information systems, and re-orient education and training systems to vocational technical training areas as a means of promoting employment. Interventions include promotion of growth and development of the informal and jua kali sector, adoption of fiscal policies and short term measures such as tripartite agreements.

Despite all these interventions, creation of adequate, productive and sustainable employment continues
to be the greatest challenge in Kenya. This therefore highlights the significance of taking a different approach to addressing these challenges. With policies in place, immediate actions that will lead to sustainable solutions need to be implemented to fast track the process of realizing and increase in job creation for the youth, thus facilitating their contribution to achieving Kenya’s economic prosperity as well as youth self- dependency.

Centurion Systems Limited (CSL) is gearing towards providing long lasting solutions towards such challenges. CSL has embarked on projects and formed partnerships to be able to tackle challenges, such as unemployment. The projects and partnerships aim at creating platforms for young citizens to train on technical skills and improve on the life skills thereby increasing their chances of getting employment. CSL’s interventions are also aimed at building the capacity of these youths to gain “better” employment, i.e with better pay and also enable them to be entrepreneurs who can start their own businesses. The end goal is to raise the livelihood of the participants, which trickle-down to resolving some of the social challenges.